Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas was good, now i can be naughty again.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Better now, then before.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Shopping therapy and concerts
I was still a little sad after the whole break up thing, so today I finally got some money and decided what to do with my self. I went and bought some clothes! there is something about shopping that makes me feel much better. could be the new stuff or it just be that I have a real addiction to owning things. either way I feel a little better.. I bought a dress...It has stars all over it in different shapes and I can't wait to have some place to wear it. I'm thinking new years? or a christmas party? or both! 
I'm also going to the metric concert tonight! And I bought the cutest shirt! It says paty monster and has a monster in a part hat XD. I think it's sooooo cute! so, i'm going to wear it tonight...hopefully my camera will do a good job and I will have tons of pictures tonight....
Oh and I almost forgot! my new spongbob socks! They are also cute. I would wear them out right now but they have these little pompom thingso nthe back... It's a little odd a grown women liking spongebob...but you'll get over it i'm sure....
POMPOM!!! How cute is that! I'm going to by more of them, I love socks...I'm not sure why...but I do!
There was also a sale at aeropostale, I got two shirts..both very cute! I had a full day of shopping. It's nice to have something to do and time to spend money.... Oh btw, I want to send all of you (my blog friends) a cute homemade christmas gift! If you dont mind you can email me a mailing address and I will send it off! It will be specially made just for you! send it to :

I'm also going to the metric concert tonight! And I bought the cutest shirt! It says paty monster and has a monster in a part hat XD. I think it's sooooo cute! so, i'm going to wear it tonight...hopefully my camera will do a good job and I will have tons of pictures tonight....
Sunday, December 7, 2008
It's over.
Matt broke up with me.
I don't much care about his reasons.
I'm staying in bed.
I don't really have much more to say.
I don't much care about his reasons.
I'm staying in bed.
I don't really have much more to say.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'm hurting...bad.
I hurt my back and my hip, and I feel like such a weirdo. I have a limp and everything. My doctor gave me some meds to help with the pain and it mostly just puts me to sleep. I have no idea how it happened. like I said before I really havent been doing much. and now i've been doing even less...
I'm so glad I have TV in my would be so lonley without Oprah and Ellen...
I need more blogs to read. If you know any good ones let me know, I will add them to my blog roll and spend my time being crippled and interested in other peoples lives; especally since I wont be doing very much of anything on my own in the next little while.

Monday, November 24, 2008
So much time, So little to do.

Friday, November 7, 2008
Thank you for the extended break York, But all jokes aside...what the fuck do I do now?
I'm still going about school like business as usual; I study on saturdays, do my readings on the day that I actually have that class, and finishing up assignments. And trust me, it's not like i'm not thankful for this break! I really needed some sleep and time to catch up on some sleep. But I wonder how long this shit will last for? I mean....How long can anyone really stay mad? No T.A's they're really not going to give you everything you ask for. I asked for stuff from York all the time and I get jack shit and i'm paying to be there, at least you guys get paid. I would love for this strike thing to go on for a while but in all seriousness, i've got shit to do and I need to get it done. The money that I paid for that stupid peice of paper that is going to "get me a job" cost alot more then 5 or so days worth of a strike. And it seems that no matter what educational era i'm running through i end up with a strike. I had like 3 when i was in grade school, there was 2 in highschool , I had another 1 in college and now this. I was just ment to have unschedualed breaks in school time. That is my destiny...and I guess I will just have to take it....anyone want to play laser quest on monday? i wont be doing anything...

Monday, November 3, 2008
On the road to Nowheresville
So, It seems like i've been gone for a while, but really i've always been here. Reading what other people have to say when I get the time, but that's all I seemed to have time for. never really any writing. i have two essays to hand in today and another due on friday then I have many other things to do and write and it's just a hard hard week. And I cant believe that it's november already! I can't believe it soooo much that I forgot to buy the november pass on the go bus. Which in itself is problematic seeing as how now that i'm at school (i was short 30cents to get here) I have no real way of getting home...which sucks. but I will have to buy it before the store closes.
I wish I didnt have to come to class...they are saying that there might be a strike of somesort and in that case i have my fingers crossed.
I wish I didnt have to come to class...they are saying that there might be a strike of somesort and in that case i have my fingers crossed.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Where has the time gone?
I spent some time outside Last week some time when it was actually nice outside which was weird because I was almost used to being cold (almost but not quite) so me and my friends took to the woods to see the water before it got to snowy to go to our spot. We have this little spot by the scarborough bluffs that looks out onto the water from a strange part of the city. It's actually a really cool spot to take pictures of the water and stuff. Hopefully I can go back before it starts to snow. Maybe around halloween...who knows
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm a doctor because I say so.
I've been feeling a little off lately, I think it's just the weather...but my mother (who magically has her PHD in what's wrong with odett) says it's probably seasonal depression. So with my new illness in had I have booked myself for a doctors appointment, ya know to get a second opinion...or at least a one that is more valid then a hand on my forehead and questions about I had for dinner the night before. It very well could be just S.D but I think i'd rather hear it from someone who spent almost 8 years in university to tell me that rather then the insane ramblings of my mother. She doesnt always get it wrong...but she rarely gets it right. it's more of a one in ten kind of hit or miss thing for her.
I occassionally find myself doing it too lately. People, mostly friends as random people tend not to tell me their problems, tell me they are not feeling well and then I seem to ask for a list of symptoms. I feeling it's okay as i'm generally someone who gets sick alot. Not that anyone would come up with the weird things I seem to pick up along the way. However, there was many times that I was actually right about what they had. Not that I would ever become a doctor, no matter how much my mother would love that, I cant stand the sight of blood and I really dont like sick people. Especally because sick people make me sick and that just wont do.
Thanksgiving was good, I had way to much family in my house but what else is new about any holiday and my family. I seem to acquire more family everytime there's another holiday. This time I ended up with 3 new cousins in which I then had to turn around and entertain. I'm not sure why I'm always looked upon to find something for these people to do. I'm a pretty boring person on my own, I dont think I get any better in group settings. I dont even really like alot of my cousins. some of them are okay, the cool ones and the cute ones, but there is always that middle ground where they are either really annoy or just I owe them something...pffft. They should be so lucky. I think family is an odd sort of thing, seeing as how you really have no say in who you are related to...I saw a poster once that said "Friends are gods way of saying sorry for family" and I dont think I could ever agree more then on major holidays.
I occassionally find myself doing it too lately. People, mostly friends as random people tend not to tell me their problems, tell me they are not feeling well and then I seem to ask for a list of symptoms. I feeling it's okay as i'm generally someone who gets sick alot. Not that anyone would come up with the weird things I seem to pick up along the way. However, there was many times that I was actually right about what they had. Not that I would ever become a doctor, no matter how much my mother would love that, I cant stand the sight of blood and I really dont like sick people. Especally because sick people make me sick and that just wont do.
Thanksgiving was good, I had way to much family in my house but what else is new about any holiday and my family. I seem to acquire more family everytime there's another holiday. This time I ended up with 3 new cousins in which I then had to turn around and entertain. I'm not sure why I'm always looked upon to find something for these people to do. I'm a pretty boring person on my own, I dont think I get any better in group settings. I dont even really like alot of my cousins. some of them are okay, the cool ones and the cute ones, but there is always that middle ground where they are either really annoy or just I owe them something...pffft. They should be so lucky. I think family is an odd sort of thing, seeing as how you really have no say in who you are related to...I saw a poster once that said "Friends are gods way of saying sorry for family" and I dont think I could ever agree more then on major holidays.
Monday, October 13, 2008
So many things to little time
I really like that dress... But I never really have many places to wear it. i need to find more formal occassions...I could always just wear it to the local no frills but i think I might get a few strange looks.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Over and done now back to normal
The girl in the black and white dress had a nice one, i really liked it. but somehow I dont think people would allow their wedding party to wear black...I would but I guess I'm a different kind of person then most. This is what the wedding looked like, I was freezing my fucking ass off...

These arent my photo's...most of them are my camera sucks! I need a knew one Badly DX...
Meh O___o
Monday, October 6, 2008
Always a bridesmaid never a bride
This weekend my best friend Raluca got married. I'm starting to feel older then I did before, It's strange how I didnt really start to notice that i was old...well older... then any other time in my life until my friends start to get married or have kids. What is it about those life milestones that makes people really start to notice their age. It was nice at one time to think that I wasnt that old; still hanging out and occassionally wasting my life away with weed, rock music and indie movies with subtitles. But I have bills to pay and deadlines to meet, moments and behaviours to account for and some how i still didnt feel like i was old. Until sunday when I stood in the cold breeze of october (it was an outdoor wedding..yeah i know outdoor weddings in october...she's lucky i love her) and watch as my best friend marry the man she loves under the trees in some forest in woodbridge. I dont like feeling old, i dont like feeling finite. not to say that at any time I felt infinite but I did, at one point, feel young enough to live for a long time. However, now I feel like i have such a short time...much shorter then I thought I had.
In January, i'm going to be 25....not that 25 is old by any means...but it is certinly not young. It's like that half way mark in life where you either need to decided that you are going to do something important or live in your parents basement for the next 20 years. I dont quite belive that I will end up being like that. I dont really like living with my parents right now, another 20 years might just kill me. But It's easy to see how time just kinds of gets away from you. How one day you are riding bikes, next day you are riding in the front seat and next day you are riding in the back...If you dont quite get what I mean by that last one i'm talking about a funeral. Now i'm not trying to be bleek or mellowdramatic, but I really want to get across the fact that time is so important...I want to go back to that point in life to the point when time didn't matter, when days seemed endless and bedtimes existed. Those were good times...good times.
In January, i'm going to be 25....not that 25 is old by any means...but it is certinly not young. It's like that half way mark in life where you either need to decided that you are going to do something important or live in your parents basement for the next 20 years. I dont quite belive that I will end up being like that. I dont really like living with my parents right now, another 20 years might just kill me. But It's easy to see how time just kinds of gets away from you. How one day you are riding bikes, next day you are riding in the front seat and next day you are riding in the back...If you dont quite get what I mean by that last one i'm talking about a funeral. Now i'm not trying to be bleek or mellowdramatic, but I really want to get across the fact that time is so important...I want to go back to that point in life to the point when time didn't matter, when days seemed endless and bedtimes existed. Those were good times...good times.
Friday, October 3, 2008's cold in here.
I hate winter.
I hate cold.
I hate being cold in winter.
I think I hate being cold more then I hate anything else. I would rather loose some toes then spend the rest of my life being cold. Which is sad, because I really like my toes...they are cute and stubby....but I digress. When I woke up this morning I already knew it was cold, my bedroom has a way of copying what the weather is like outside...except for maybe snow. I would cry if it snowed in my room. Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that I need to start getting ready for winter, before I wake up one morning with no boots and there's a foot of snow outside. You may laugh at this but it happened to me last year. So I've rummaged out the wool sweaters, brought out the tights and have strongly considered buying snow pants...I refuse to be cold this winter. I know it will still happen...but I'd like to think I've gotten the edge on winter...who knows...we'll see how well the boot buying goes...
I hate cold.
I hate being cold in winter.
I think I hate being cold more then I hate anything else. I would rather loose some toes then spend the rest of my life being cold. Which is sad, because I really like my toes...they are cute and stubby....but I digress. When I woke up this morning I already knew it was cold, my bedroom has a way of copying what the weather is like outside...except for maybe snow. I would cry if it snowed in my room. Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that I need to start getting ready for winter, before I wake up one morning with no boots and there's a foot of snow outside. You may laugh at this but it happened to me last year. So I've rummaged out the wool sweaters, brought out the tights and have strongly considered buying snow pants...I refuse to be cold this winter. I know it will still happen...but I'd like to think I've gotten the edge on winter...who knows...we'll see how well the boot buying goes...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Shut up and let me cook

Shut up and let me go
If you want to make some really good raviollie try yam raviollie with chinese 5 spice. I havent made them yet but I plan too. cooking isnt my strong point but if I want to have yam raviollie I will have to do it myself....
The Ting Tings
It was nice to have a few days off this week. Thankfully York has most of the jewish holidays off, I got to rest quite a bit. I feel a little uncreative, I wanted to make something but i can't figure out what to do...Right now i'm thinking about my raviollie, It was goat cheese raviollie.... i'm not a big fan of many greens other then green beans....
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
9 tablespoons sorghum syrup* or 1/2 cup clover honey plus 1 tablespoon robust-flavored (dark) molasses
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground clovesLarge pinch of cayenne pepper
8 10- to 11-ounce yams (red-skinned sweet potatoes)
8 10- to 11-ounce yams (red-skinned sweet potatoes)
Beat butter, sorghum syrup, cinnamon, cloves and cayenne in medium bowl to blend; season with salt. (Can be prepared 5 days ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Bring mixture to room temperature before using.)
Preheat oven to 350°F. Rinse potatoes; pat dry. Pierce each several times with fork; place on baking sheet. Bake potatoes until tender, about 1 hour.
Cut top of each potato lengthwise; press in ends to open top. Spoon some sorghum butter into opening of each potato and serve.
Preheat oven to 350°F. Rinse potatoes; pat dry. Pierce each several times with fork; place on baking sheet. Bake potatoes until tender, about 1 hour.
Cut top of each potato lengthwise; press in ends to open top. Spoon some sorghum butter into opening of each potato and serve.
I'm sure they'll taste yummy!
Monday, September 29, 2008
6 degrees of ant-social behaviour
So I knew before I started at york that there was going to be a chance for me to see people I went to highschool with. And I came to terms with that. I almost had forgotten about this seeing as how i've been here for 3 years and really havent had to have any kind of interaction with anyone from the past.
Today on the other hand, I was walking around with my girl Laura when I spotted someone I went to school with thinking that I was about to pass by without having to pretend to be civil, she turned "OMG hey Laura" and I was caught. So Laura, being the social butterfly that she is says "hey A.. This is nadine..." (as we were walking with another friend of ours)"... and this is my girlfriend Odett." she looks at me and I smile as I know she recognizes me and I recognize her "OH I know her, we went to highschool together." I shuddered a little and tried to look at pleasent as possible. Dont get me wrong I never disliked her, she was actually the nice one...her sister was the bitch. Alot of the girls she hung out with during that time were apart of why my highschool life was so bad, she never bullied me but I guess in someways not sticking up for someone is just as bad as the act itself.
I really do try not to be that person who is still mad about highschool, in a weird way I'm a little thankful for the experience. I was a little sarcastic, but thanks to all those i had to deal with then i've embodied sarcasim to the point where it's more like second nature to me to be a smart ass rather then just answer a question. However, I dont like seeing people from highschool as it does remind me of what I went through and what I had to deal with. I cant say i really changed all that much since then ( i like to say that I grew into my looks) but I am different. I just never realized how everything has a like a six-degrees of seperation...I never would have guessed that Laura knew anyone I knew. I guess I should never assume that I live in a bubble onto itself. Hey I may even know someone you know!
Today on the other hand, I was walking around with my girl Laura when I spotted someone I went to school with thinking that I was about to pass by without having to pretend to be civil, she turned "OMG hey Laura" and I was caught. So Laura, being the social butterfly that she is says "hey A.. This is nadine..." (as we were walking with another friend of ours)"... and this is my girlfriend Odett." she looks at me and I smile as I know she recognizes me and I recognize her "OH I know her, we went to highschool together." I shuddered a little and tried to look at pleasent as possible. Dont get me wrong I never disliked her, she was actually the nice one...her sister was the bitch. Alot of the girls she hung out with during that time were apart of why my highschool life was so bad, she never bullied me but I guess in someways not sticking up for someone is just as bad as the act itself.
I really do try not to be that person who is still mad about highschool, in a weird way I'm a little thankful for the experience. I was a little sarcastic, but thanks to all those i had to deal with then i've embodied sarcasim to the point where it's more like second nature to me to be a smart ass rather then just answer a question. However, I dont like seeing people from highschool as it does remind me of what I went through and what I had to deal with. I cant say i really changed all that much since then ( i like to say that I grew into my looks) but I am different. I just never realized how everything has a like a six-degrees of seperation...I never would have guessed that Laura knew anyone I knew. I guess I should never assume that I live in a bubble onto itself. Hey I may even know someone you know!
Friday, September 26, 2008
A night at home
I decided that after work today I was going to come home and hang out. I just happened to come home at the wrong time and my parents were fixing the front of the house (we just had our drive way done) and there was a bunch of extra patches of grass, so I had to help move them. I got bit by like four times, I came in had a shower and now i'm sitting around in the worlds most comfortable robe ever....
I dont remember what the material is called it's almost like towel...except really really soft! I love it! I'm just chilling infront of my baby (my laptop) and waiting for the end of a long day. I actually have TV in my room now... I've the box finally hooked up so I get 300 channels when really I only watch like....5? I watch MTV, Teletoon, CTV, peachtree TV, KTLA. Soo what do I really need with the other 295 channels? beats me but anything is better then watching the spanish channel with that fuzzy snow shit going I'll take what I can get now. I'm tired. I think I've been awake to long. Is that possible?
Oh Blue bear, how cute you are...I love how his nose is a heart. I think anyone would be cute with a heart for a nose....what do you think?
My Laptop, It's all stickered up. Just how I like it...strange thing about the AC/DC sticker, I was walking in the mall and some just handed me a sticker the same day I was talking about people who have stuff from bands that they really dont know much about. and there I go with my AC/DC sticker...I like them, I just know two I wouldnt say I was a fan...But I guess I am now!?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hats off to bad banking
I am
having such a great hat day!I had the one I made yesterday. It's nice I had a whole outfit and it looked cute! I really liked it... I made it from an old sweater that I dont wear anymore. It was at first a hood. and now it's a hat. I think it's actually a nice hat! I really like it. I actually had people saying what a nice have it was. Which is a little odd... for me....just because I dress so strange that people dont usually like the same things as me. Especally when I make things. I find that alot of the things I make tend to really only appeal to me. And no one else. Which is fine, mostly because I dont plan on making anymore to
share! The other one is black with sparkles. Not sure what I will wear it with, But I'm sure I can find something that will work with black and never know what I will come up with...anywho, tell me what you think of the hats, I kind of want an all black one, with no sparkles...perhaps. I will venture to fabricland and see what I can find.
Anywho, I am out of crafty things to tell you about, when I do more I will let you all know! In other news, I had such a hard day. I almost had a fist fight with CIBC, My card was frozen because I used it someplace that wasnt safe so they closed it. and I went to the bank by morningside (for anyone who knows where that is) and then I had to get across to north york to go to work. But I made the mistake of buying gas without double checking my card and it wouldnt work. so I'm lucky that the person at the gas station allowed me to use my car to go back to fix the card for a second time! I was so pissed-off by time I left the bank again...I just wanted to come home and make my hat...which for the record made me fell much better.
I have to go to sleep...I class in the morning...boourns.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Feeling Crafty....
I woke up early this morning; long story short, I had to go buy a bus pass fo the GO because I couldnt do it at school because CIBC is full of dumbasses. Anyway, when I got back home despite my best efforts I couldn't fall back to sleep so I decided to make something. I made a very cute hat, which I'm wearing right now... I will put pictures upp...late...I could do it now as I have my camera with me but I would rather not disturb my class with the strange "wheeerrrr" sound my camera makes. At anyrate, I am feeling rather creative today so when I get home (whenever that may be) there will be more clothing making and what not happening. So there will definutly be another post.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Return of the Blog Girl

"Return of the B girl"
-Masia One
Here I stand, renewed and eager to start again. I had lived out of wordpress for a best a year. I hate the way It wont let me change what I want to change when I want to change it. And I just wont go back to diaryland, I've outgrown them... in many ways. Livejournal...well...I just wont. So Blogger was the next best thing...well, more like the only thing. so i'll take it.
Anyway, this time is going to be different. Not sure how or even why but it will! More pictures (when I get a new camera), Less bitching (no promises), and more oddness (that I can promise.) At anyrate, I'm sitting in my film, television and society I guess I should pay attention.
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