Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm a doctor because I say so.

I've been feeling a little off lately, I think it's just the weather...but my mother (who magically has her PHD in what's wrong with odett) says it's probably seasonal depression. So with my new illness in had I have booked myself for a doctors appointment, ya know to get a second opinion...or at least a one that is more valid then a hand on my forehead and questions about I had for dinner the night before. It very well could be just S.D but I think i'd rather hear it from someone who spent almost 8 years in university to tell me that rather then the insane ramblings of my mother. She doesnt always get it wrong...but she rarely gets it right. it's more of a one in ten kind of hit or miss thing for her.

I occassionally find myself doing it too lately. People, mostly friends as random people tend not to tell me their problems, tell me they are not feeling well and then I seem to ask for a list of symptoms. I feeling it's okay as i'm generally someone who gets sick alot. Not that anyone would come up with the weird things I seem to pick up along the way. However, there was many times that I was actually right about what they had. Not that I would ever become a doctor, no matter how much my mother would love that, I cant stand the sight of blood and I really dont like sick people. Especally because sick people make me sick and that just wont do.

Thanksgiving was good, I had way to much family in my house but what else is new about any holiday and my family. I seem to acquire more family everytime there's another holiday. This time I ended up with 3 new cousins in which I then had to turn around and entertain. I'm not sure why I'm always looked upon to find something for these people to do. I'm a pretty boring person on my own, I dont think I get any better in group settings. I dont even really like alot of my cousins. some of them are okay, the cool ones and the cute ones, but there is always that middle ground where they are either really annoy or just I owe them something...pffft. They should be so lucky. I think family is an odd sort of thing, seeing as how you really have no say in who you are related to...I saw a poster once that said "Friends are gods way of saying sorry for family" and I dont think I could ever agree more then on major holidays.

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