I havent had anything to do for a while, i've been doing my readings for class and writing my essays and what not. But then I started to take pictures of myself. I did a whole little photo shoot all by myself. I am really really bored, I just want to do something anything at all. It's been really cold too so I havent really wanted to go outside.

My mother has her tree in the starting stages of finishing. I could never understand this chirstmas in november thing. I mean I dont get gifts in november, but whatever. The mall is all about christmas even before halloween ends. which I think is a little much as I really like christmas but I love halloween.

I need to get out more. If anyone wants to go for lunch, then let me know. I have lots of time on my hands....oh, I want to find more people who knitt and do like wool-work. please let me know if you know anyone, I could use more blog friends! lol, I'm trying to find people who i can talk to without leaving the house lol...
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