Friday, May 29, 2009

Long time no see

I'm finally finished school, and now I can have my life back.
I thought I would never get out but I have and now here I am, ready for a big summer full of fun things. I haven't actuallydone anything that would constitue as "fun" but there are many a fun thing coming up. I have a party on staurday, it's my friends birthday, haven't seen her in so long...I still have her christmas gift?! lol

anyway, I guess I'm some what single this summer. I know i thought that me and Matt where talking but it's not going anywhere. I may just end up single for as long as I can keep my opinion. I am going to curl my hair because I feel like it... I will be going on an adventure at some point today, so I will have pictures!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

papers and blue hair

writing papers

My hair has blue highlights....well it's a little more then highlights. I will post some pictures. School has really been taking alot out of me these days that's why i've been gone so long. I'm also trying to clean out my, I'm think of having a clothing swap. there are some stuff that I have for Raymi, but if any one whats to have a clothing swap let me know and we can find a place and all that jazz...

anyway, I will post later this evening, but for now back to the grind stone...Ugh.