Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Return of the Blog Girl


"Return of the B girl"
-Masia One

Here I stand, renewed and eager to start again. I had lived out of wordpress for a best a year. I hate the way It wont let me change what I want to change when I want to change it. And I just wont go back to diaryland, I've outgrown them... in many ways. Livejournal...well...I just wont. So Blogger was the next best thing...well, more like the only thing. so i'll take it.

Anyway, this time is going to be different. Not sure how or even why but it will! More pictures (when I get a new camera), Less bitching (no promises), and more oddness (that I can promise.) At anyrate, I'm sitting in my film, television and society class...so I guess I should pay attention.


1 comment:

Krista said...

WB, Odette! I'm not a wordpress fan as some you need to put a password in just to read it, pfff. And LJ is so emo!

Bitching is okay my posts have been nothing but a bitchfest as of late but it seems to fly. As long as you keep it up.
