Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas was good, now i can be naughty again.

I had a great christmas! I got a new camera fujifilm finepix j100, 10mega pixels and so many levels of awsome. I also got wii fit! I was super excited about it. It was kind of hard having to do this christmas without matt, but I think i'm doing better. each day feeling a little better, each day a little easier! Merry christmas friends!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Better now, then before.

So the concert was amazing. I had so much fun! It was my cousin Cheryl, my sister and me. And I got to see The dears, Tokyo Police club and Metric. Good Times! It definitly helped me forget or at least kept my mind on other things. I've managed to turn my "sad" into "mad", I'm more pissed then anything else.... But none the less the concert was great! I wish I had a better camera so I could have gotten better shots but the ones I got are fine for concert...

Tokyo Police club shirt, This one was the only one that came in an Xs...So this is the one I got. I like it but they had others that I liked more...just didnt come in my size DX

I love this metric shirt...It makes me more happy then then any shirt really should.

anyway, not much else to say right now..maybe more later!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Shopping therapy and concerts

I was still a little sad after the whole break up thing, so today I finally got some money and decided what to do with my self. I went and bought some clothes! there is something about shopping that makes me feel much better. could be the new stuff or it just be that I have a real addiction to owning things. either way I feel a little better.. I bought a dress...It has stars all over it in different shapes and I can't wait to have some place to wear it. I'm thinking new years? or a christmas party? or both!
I'm also going to the metric concert tonight! And I bought the cutest shirt! It says paty monster and has a monster in a part hat XD. I think it's sooooo cute! so, i'm going to wear it tonight...hopefully my camera will do a good job and I will have tons of pictures tonight....

Oh and I almost forgot! my new spongbob socks! They are also cute. I would wear them out right now but they have these little pompom thingso nthe back... It's a little odd a grown women liking spongebob...but you'll get over it i'm sure....

POMPOM!!! How cute is that! I'm going to by more of them, I love socks...I'm not sure why...but I do!There was also a sale at aeropostale, I got two shirts..both very cute! I had a full day of shopping. It's nice to have something to do and time to spend money.... Oh btw, I want to send all of you (my blog friends) a cute homemade christmas gift! If you dont mind you can email me a mailing address and I will send it off! It will be specially made just for you! send it to :

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's over.

Matt broke up with me.
I don't much care about his reasons.
I'm staying in bed.
I don't really have much more to say.