I am

having such a great hat day!I had the one I made yesterday. It's nice I had a whole outfit and it looked cute! I really liked it... I made it from an old sweater that I dont wear anymore. It was at first a hood. and now it's a hat. I think it's actually a nice hat! I really like it. I actually had people saying what a nice have it was. Which is a little odd... for me....just because I dress so strange that people dont usually like the same things as me. Especally when I make things. I find that alot of the things I make tend to really only appeal to me. And no one else. Which is fine, mostly because I dont plan on making anymore to

share! The other one is black with sparkles. Not sure what I will wear it with, But I'm sure I can find something that will work with black and sparkles...you never know what I will come up with...anywho, tell me what you think of the hats, I kind of want an all black one, with no sparkles...perhaps. I will venture to fabricland and see what I can find.
Anywho, I am out of crafty things to tell you about, when I do more I will let you all know! In other news, I had such a hard day. I almost had a fist fight with CIBC, My card was frozen because I used it someplace that wasnt safe so they closed it. and I went to the bank by morningside (for anyone who knows where that is) and then I had to get across to north york to go to work. But I made the mistake of buying gas without double checking my card and it wouldnt work. so I'm lucky that the person at the gas station allowed me to use my car to go back to fix the card for a second time! I was so pissed-off by time I left the bank again...I just wanted to come home and make my hat...which for the record made me fell much better.
I have to go to sleep...I class in the morning...boourns.
You made these hats? They are so cute!! I think they are great you could match them wit almost anything.
If you, and dont think it's super creepy I can make you one!? it takes like 5 min.
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