Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm hurting...bad.

I hurt my back and my hip, and I feel like such a weirdo. I have a limp and everything. My doctor gave me some meds to help with the pain and it mostly just puts me to sleep. I have no idea how it happened. like I said before I really havent been doing much. and now i've been doing even less...
I need more blogs to read. If you know any good ones let me know, I will add them to my blog roll and spend my time being crippled and interested in other peoples lives; especally since I wont be doing very much of anything on my own in the next little while.

I'm so glad I have TV in my would be so lonley without Oprah and Ellen...

Monday, November 24, 2008

So much time, So little to do.

I havent had anything to do for a while, i've been doing my readings for class and writing my essays and what not. But then I started to take pictures of myself. I did a whole little photo shoot all by myself. I am really really bored, I just want to do something anything at all. It's been really cold too so I havent really wanted to go outside.

My mother has her tree in the starting stages of finishing. I could never understand this chirstmas in november thing. I mean I dont get gifts in november, but whatever. The mall is all about christmas even before halloween ends. which I think is a little much as I really like christmas but I love halloween.

I need to get out more. If anyone wants to go for lunch, then let me know. I have lots of time on my hands....oh, I want to find more people who knitt and do like wool-work. please let me know if you know anyone, I could use more blog friends! lol, I'm trying to find people who i can talk to without leaving the house lol...


Friday, November 7, 2008


Thank you for the extended break York, But all jokes aside...what the fuck do I do now?

I'm still going about school like business as usual; I study on saturdays, do my readings on the day that I actually have that class, and finishing up assignments. And trust me, it's not like i'm not thankful for this break! I really needed some sleep and time to catch up on some sleep. But I wonder how long this shit will last for? I mean....How long can anyone really stay mad? No T.A's they're really not going to give you everything you ask for. I asked for stuff from York all the time and I get jack shit and i'm paying to be there, at least you guys get paid. I would love for this strike thing to go on for a while but in all seriousness, i've got shit to do and I need to get it done. The money that I paid for that stupid peice of paper that is going to "get me a job" cost alot more then 5 or so days worth of a strike. And it seems that no matter what educational era i'm running through i end up with a strike. I had like 3 when i was in grade school, there was 2 in highschool , I had another 1 in college and now this. I was just ment to have unschedualed breaks in school time. That is my destiny...and I guess I will just have to take it....anyone want to play laser quest on monday? i wont be doing anything...

we could be those people! look how cool they look in those super uncomfortable vests! all SciFi and shit! we could have those vest, we could be that cool....we could be heros, if for only one day...sorry i got carried away there....but yeah, I call dibs on the chick with the hair....wait.... is that even a girl?

Monday, November 3, 2008

On the road to Nowheresville

So, It seems like i've been gone for a while, but really i've always been here. Reading what other people have to say when I get the time, but that's all I seemed to have time for. never really any writing. i have two essays to hand in today and another due on friday then I have many other things to do and write and it's just a hard hard week. And I cant believe that it's november already! I can't believe it soooo much that I forgot to buy the november pass on the go bus. Which in itself is problematic seeing as how now that i'm at school (i was short 30cents to get here) I have no real way of getting home...which sucks. but I will have to buy it before the store closes.


I wish I didnt have to come to class...they are saying that there might be a strike of somesort and in that case i have my fingers crossed.