Monday, September 29, 2008

6 degrees of ant-social behaviour

So I knew before I started at york that there was going to be a chance for me to see people I went to highschool with. And I came to terms with that. I almost had forgotten about this seeing as how i've been here for 3 years and really havent had to have any kind of interaction with anyone from the past.
Today on the other hand, I was walking around with my girl Laura when I spotted someone I went to school with thinking that I was about to pass by without having to pretend to be civil, she turned "OMG hey Laura" and I was caught. So Laura, being the social butterfly that she is says "hey A.. This is nadine..." (as we were walking with another friend of ours)"... and this is my girlfriend Odett." she looks at me and I smile as I know she recognizes me and I recognize her "OH I know her, we went to highschool together." I shuddered a little and tried to look at pleasent as possible. Dont get me wrong I never disliked her, she was actually the nice one...her sister was the bitch. Alot of the girls she hung out with during that time were apart of why my highschool life was so bad, she never bullied me but I guess in someways not sticking up for someone is just as bad as the act itself.
I really do try not to be that person who is still mad about highschool, in a weird way I'm a little thankful for the experience. I was a little sarcastic, but thanks to all those i had to deal with then i've embodied sarcasim to the point where it's more like second nature to me to be a smart ass rather then just answer a question. However, I dont like seeing people from highschool as it does remind me of what I went through and what I had to deal with. I cant say i really changed all that much since then ( i like to say that I grew into my looks) but I am different. I just never realized how everything has a like a six-degrees of seperation...I never would have guessed that Laura knew anyone I knew. I guess I should never assume that I live in a bubble onto itself. Hey I may even know someone you know!


Friday, September 26, 2008

A night at home

I decided that after work today I was going to come home and hang out. I just happened to come home at the wrong time and my parents were fixing the front of the house (we just had our drive way done) and there was a bunch of extra patches of grass, so I had to help move them. I got bit by like four times, I came in had a shower and now i'm sitting around in the worlds most comfortable robe ever....
I dont remember what the material is called it's almost like towel...except really really soft! I love it! I'm just chilling infront of my baby (my laptop) and waiting for the end of a long day. I actually have TV in my room now... I've the box finally hooked up so I get 300 channels when really I only watch like....5? I watch MTV, Teletoon, CTV, peachtree TV, KTLA. Soo what do I really need with the other 295 channels? beats me but anything is better then watching the spanish channel with that fuzzy snow shit going I'll take what I can get now. I'm tired. I think I've been awake to long. Is that possible?

Oh Blue bear, how cute you are...I love how his nose is a heart. I think anyone would be cute with a heart for a nose....what do you think?

My Laptop, It's all stickered up. Just how I like it...strange thing about the AC/DC sticker, I was walking in the mall and some just handed me a sticker the same day I was talking about people who have stuff from bands that they really dont know much about. and there I go with my AC/DC sticker...I like them, I just know two I wouldnt say I was a fan...But I guess I am now!?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hats off to bad banking

I am having such a great hat day!I had the one I made yesterday. It's nice I had a whole outfit and it looked cute! I really liked it... I made it from an old sweater that I dont wear anymore. It was at first a hood. and now it's a hat. I think it's actually a nice hat! I really like it. I actually had people saying what a nice have it was. Which is a little odd... for me....just because I dress so strange that people dont usually like the same things as me. Especally when I make things. I find that alot of the things I make tend to really only appeal to me. And no one else. Which is fine, mostly because I dont plan on making anymore to share! The other one is black with sparkles. Not sure what I will wear it with, But I'm sure I can find something that will work with black and never know what I will come up with...anywho, tell me what you think of the hats, I kind of want an all black one, with no sparkles...perhaps. I will venture to fabricland and see what I can find.
Anywho, I am out of crafty things to tell you about, when I do more I will let you all know! In other news, I had such a hard day. I almost had a fist fight with CIBC, My card was frozen because I used it someplace that wasnt safe so they closed it. and I went to the bank by morningside (for anyone who knows where that is) and then I had to get across to north york to go to work. But I made the mistake of buying gas without double checking my card and it wouldnt work. so I'm lucky that the person at the gas station allowed me to use my car to go back to fix the card for a second time! I was so pissed-off by time I left the bank again...I just wanted to come home and make my hat...which for the record made me fell much better.
I have to go to sleep...I class in the morning...boourns.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Feeling Crafty....

I woke up early this morning; long story short, I had to go buy a bus pass fo the GO because I couldnt do it at school because CIBC is full of dumbasses. Anyway, when I got back home despite my best efforts I couldn't fall back to sleep so I decided to make something. I made a very cute hat, which I'm wearing right now... I will put pictures upp...late...I could do it now as I have my camera with me but I would rather not disturb my class with the strange "wheeerrrr" sound my camera makes. At anyrate, I am feeling rather creative today so when I get home (whenever that may be) there will be more clothing making and what not happening. So there will definutly be another post.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Return of the Blog Girl


"Return of the B girl"
-Masia One

Here I stand, renewed and eager to start again. I had lived out of wordpress for a best a year. I hate the way It wont let me change what I want to change when I want to change it. And I just wont go back to diaryland, I've outgrown them... in many ways. Livejournal...well...I just wont. So Blogger was the next best thing...well, more like the only thing. so i'll take it.

Anyway, this time is going to be different. Not sure how or even why but it will! More pictures (when I get a new camera), Less bitching (no promises), and more oddness (that I can promise.) At anyrate, I'm sitting in my film, television and society I guess I should pay attention.
