Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dating for Dummies Pt2

So, saturday I went on a date with this guy named Migel; he was....Nice....kind of shy and had alot of really good qualities, there was really only one problem. He looked, acted and kind of smelled like my ex boyfriend. His hair, the way he lit his smoke, the way he eat (we went to brunch) the fact that he finds it okay to have a rum and coke before 5pm, all reminded me of Matt. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with drinking before 5, I mean it's 5o'clock some place, right? But in reality, if I wanted to date Matt again, I would. Which I don't...or at least I don't think I do. To tell you the truth I haven't really thought about it. As a matter of fact I do my best not to think about it at all.

A while back I went on a date with this guy..uh...Sebatian....he didnt work out. When we got there, mind you he took me to Pizza Hut which already made me kind of pissed as I'm lactose intolerant which I told him ahead of time, then when I get there (having decided to drive myself) He asks me who's going to pay...now I'm not to particular about who pays for what, I generally feel that if I wanted to pay for myself I would take myself to some place where I could eat the fucking food. He ended up paying, I had a salad. Now correct me if i'm wrong, and feel free to be honest with me, but if someone asks you out who pays? I mean I go on basic first date rules... Thee who asks Pays....If I asked him out then I would pay...seeing as how I didnt do that...I didnt feel I should have too.....was I wrong?

I think I'm just going to give up on dating all together...I'm just going to buy a cat and call it even. I'm waving the white flag on this one.

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